Winds (IWRAP) Waves (KaIA)

20221109I2 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20221109I1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20221108I2 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20221108I1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)


20221102I1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20221101I1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20221031I1 (IWRAP, SFMR, SFMR)

20221030I1 (IWRAP, SFMR, SFMR)


20220927I1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20220926I1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20220925I1 (KaIA, SFMR)


20220921I1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20220920I1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20220919I1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

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TDR X-band L1B profiles colocated with IWRAP Ku@30° winds and reflectivity. Flight level and SFMR information as pulled from the 1Hz flight files. TDR reflectivity debiased by 7.83 dBZ.

TDR images are not available.