Winds (IWRAP) Waves (KaIA)

20231022H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20231022I1 (SFMR)

20231021H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20231021I1 (SFMR)

20231020H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20231020I1 (SFMR)

20231019H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20231019I1 (SFMR)


20230920H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20230920I1 (SFMR)

20230919H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20230919I1 (SFMR)


20230916I1 (SFMR)

20230915I1 (SFMR)

20230914I1 (SFMR)

20230913H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20230912I1 (SFMR)

20230911I1 (SFMR)

20230910I2 (SFMR)

20230910I1 (SFMR)

20230909H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20230909I1 (SFMR)

20230908H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20230908I1 (SFMR)


20230829I2 (SFMR)

20230829I1 (SFMR)

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Site owner: STAR Contact webmaster Revised: 29 Jan. 2024 3:00 PM

Interactive Sondes 5 Panel Plots Interactive 3D Winds and Sondes Interactive Wind Profiles Surface Wind Vectors NRT Validation TDR Profiles

SFMR and dropsonde winds in storm-relative polar coordinates. If available, dropsonde WL150 wind estimates are radially colocated with SFMR and presented in the second figure. Clicking the colored SFMR image will redirect to a full interactive version. Individual dropsonde profiles are also available below.

Sonde00 Sonde01 Sonde02 Sonde03 Sonde04 Sonde05 Sonde06 Sonde07 Sonde08 Sonde09
Sonde10 Sonde11 Sonde12 Sonde13 Sonde14 Sonde15 Sonde16 Sonde17 Sonde18 Sonde19
Sonde20 Sonde21 Sonde22