Winds (IWRAP) Waves (KaIA)

20241107H1 (KaIA, SFMR)


20241009H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20241008H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20241007H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)


20240926H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20240925H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20240924H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)


20240911H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20240910H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)


20240815I1 (SFMR)

20240815H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20240813I1 (SFMR)

20240813H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20240812H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)


20240804H2 (KaIA, SFMR)

20240804H1 (KaIA, SFMR)


20240707I1 (SFMR)

20240706H2 (KaIA, SFMR)

20240706H1 (KaIA, SFMR)

20240705H1 (KaIA, SFMR)

20240704I1 (SFMR)

20240703H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20240703I1 (SFMR)

20240702H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20240702I1 (SFMR)

20240701H1 (IWRAP, KaIA, SFMR)

20240701I1 (SFMR)

20240630H1 (KaIA, SFMR)

20240630I1 (SFMR)

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Along-track profile images from IWRAP in storm-relative distance coordinates. Variables include reflectivity, horizontal, storm-relative tangential and radial winds, and vertical wind speed. Click on the static embedded preview images below to redirect towards the full interactive versions. Buttons within the interactive version can be used to swap the plotted data visualized. Buttons below the path image swap the displayed pass, which will be retained within the same flight when swapping categories.